
Previous VoteCompass result

Previous VoteCompass result

IMPORTANT: This page is NOT current for 2024 and is provided in good faith that it will be read in that context.

In response to a question about where Independents for Canberra lay on the political spectrum, I am providing this information. This information is about me and not any other candidates. When VoteCompass tools become available for the ACT Election, I ask that you re-visit my results at that time. They will likely be similar, but the below is based on the 2022 Federal Election VoteCompass, with federal issues and a different political landscape. I’ve answered the questions as to how they apply to me today, which may be different to how the parties answered in 2022.

2022 Federal Election VoteCompass results for David Pollard, showing Greens in the top left, Liberals in the bottom right, and David Pollard and Labor roughly in the middle, with David being closer to Greens and Labor being closer to Liberals.

When a candidate completes a VoteCompass style survey, their specific answers are recorded, and voters can dive down into specific questions and issues that are important to them. Depending on the software used they may be able to add comments to each answer to provide additional context.

For some of the questions in this 2022 survey I align with Green’s answers, some Labor, and some Liberals. As an Independent, I want the best of both sides, and don’t have to fit into a box. That’s one of my main reasons for running as an Independent, and one of the main problems I see with global politics.